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zap2it.com 23/11/2011

Celebrity Scoop: Tim Kang

Even though his degrees are in the arts, Tim Kang of CBS' Thursday hit "The Mentalist" has worked to make his role as California Bureau of Investigation agent Kimball Cho ring true.

"I have some experience with firearms in terms of shooting with friends, growing up" says the San Francisco native. "So I was fairly comfortable around firearms. But our technical adviser, Karl Sonnenberg, is fantastic. He did such a great job with us."

Kang says he frequently teams up with Sonnenberg to hone his police skills.

"We take our rubber guns," he says, "we get geared up, and we go to the Warner Bros. lot. There are a bunch of houses that aren't being used. He's a former L.A. County deputy sheriff, and he worked in the gang unit, so he was always entering houses where he had absolutely no idea what was going on. He knows how to enter and tactically move through the house.

"I work out with Karl on a regular basis. We move into one Warner Bros. house; I cover him; he makes a move; he covers me; I make a move. Sometimes he brings his SWAT buddies. So when we enter a room and we're raiding a drug den or whatever else, I know that my movement is absolutely accurate. That kind of study is absolutely crucial.

"Yes, it's a network show. Yes, it's more of a broader way of looking at things, but I wanted to make it as authentic as possible for me."

That extends to Cho not walking around in designer suits. "What really bugged me was the cop shows where the cops are wearing Dolce & Gabbana suits and Armani suits. The costume designer, she was like, 'What do you want?' I said, 'Put him in short sleeves. Make him look as schlubby as possible.' "

Favorite book: "Gosh, 'To Kill a Mockingbird.' It was just about that story. I really enjoyed watching that dynamic, especially that dynamic between father and son, father and daughter, and that really spoke to me. I'm close with my family, so we obviously had our conflicts. As far as the most impactful, 'Catcher in the Rye,' because coming up in high school, trying to find an identity -- Holden Caulfield really spoke to me."

Favorite music: "My iPod is full of everything, from jazz to hip-hop to underground hip-hop to underground rock. But I gotta confess -- and I'm shamefully confessing this -- is that I'm kind of a metalhead. '80s glam metal, along with '80s thrash metal, that's my thing. Metallica, Slayer, Pantera, Motley Crue, Guns N' Roses -- that's what I grew up with."

Favorite movie: "I'd have to say 'The Godfather.' The whole '70s era of filmmaking, whether it was 'Dog Day Afternoon,' 'The Godfather,' 'Raging Bull' -- that probably was the '90s -- but that era of acting, to me, was amazing. Who do we associate with that era? There's Pacino in 'Serpico' and 'Scarface,' and De Niro. For me, it was that antihero era that just compelled me."


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